Active badger (Meles meles) sett identified by our in-house ecologist
Whilst completing an ecological assessment of a forest site to accompany an application for a felling license an active badger (Meles meles) sett was identified by our in-house ecologist. A machinery exclusion zone will be implemented around the sett during all forestry operations to avoid disturbance to the badgers. During reforestation operations a significant set-back (unplanted area) will be introduced and a % of fruit baring broad leaved tree species will be pit planted outside of this setback. This will provide open space for the badger and will enhance local, onsite biodiversity.
Forwarder traveling through the wood picking up timber and dropping it at roadside
Excellent site, 20 ha of 19 year old Sitka. Forwarder traveling through the wood picking up timber and dropping it at roadside 4w